Hana Matsuri
Columbine, by Albrecht Durer
Painting depicting the Amida Buddha and the Shakyamuni Buddha. I don't know who painted it, unfortunately. It also shows up when you search "The Parable of the White Path," a buddhist story by Shan-Tao, a 7th century Buddhist writer. I found it here: http://japanlifeandreligion.com/2008/04/13/hanamatsuri-the-buddhas-birthday/
And you can read the parable here: http://rockyhill.bffct.net/id15.html
It doesn't, to my knowledge, have anything to do with the story.
Mural, from the LA Times article found here: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0407-fence-whitewash-2-20110407,0,5744040.story
Two Swallows and Peach Blossom, by Ando Hiroshige
The Mercenary Comes Home
Mostly AP stuff, and creditted, though the Desert Tracks photo is by Andrea Pistolesi, Getty Images. I couldn't track down a credit for the the photo of the boy at the end. But it comes from here: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/A5DPI4_3vRg/0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://article.wn.com/view/2008/06/18/Chads_Army_Claims_Victory/&usg=__CYtc9pexTdP_iTnsehCaLi8z7TM=&h=360&w=480&sz=16&hl=en&start=25&sig2=l7XD5nBN7sEu9hIaavsbdw&zoom=1&tbnid=VMthHqM6O46sYM:&tbnh=139&tbnw=183&ei=6yeITdW1AYL0tgObw_ybDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dvilllage%2Bof%2Bouinianga%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1562%26bih%3D808%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C623&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=718&vpy=191&dur=2412&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=173&ty=87&oei=4ieITdXCLYnSsAPipZyEDA&page=2&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:25&biw=1562&bih=808
I looked for images of fangasou, but couldn't find any. It's a doughnut made of millet, basically. Eaten for breakfast.
Breakfast, Then Alpha Centauri
A remnant of an exploded star in the Large Magellanic Cloud (a neighboring galaxi). From the Hubble Telescope. According to Wikicommons: "this remnant is from a massive star that died in a supernova blast whose light would have reached Earth thousands of years ago. This filamentary material will eventually be recycled into building new generations of stars in the LMC. Our own Sun and planets are constructed from similar debris of supernovae that exploded in the Milky Way billions of years ago." NASA photo. Image from WikiCommons. 2003.
Astronauts Eating
Skylab 2 astronauts eat space food in wardroom of Skylab. NASA photo. Image from WikiCommons. 1973.
The Holly King
The frontispiece, on all entries of The Holly King is from a tapestry with the royal monogram S.A. (Sigismundus Augustus). From the Wawel Castle Museum. ca 1555. public domain.
Part 1
found on Naperville Patch, possibly from a stock photo
Pershing Square Ice Skating
from the LAist website http://laist.com/
Part 3
My collage of Mormon Tabernacle Choir album covers, from http://mormontabernaclechoir.org/
Part 4
photo from http://www.mamapop.com/2010/12/better-giving-through-chemistry.html
a website otherwise dedicated to culture commentary, this page is a fun walk through science as giftgiving.
it's also from here: http://70s-child.blogspot.com/2009/11/super-elastic-bubble-plastic.html
Smashup Derby
photo from the inspiring http://comicbook.com/blog/2009/08/11/10-toy-based-movies-wed-like-to-see
Toy not to be confused with: http://www.mccullagh.org/photo/1ds-18/smash-up-derby-trixxie-adrian
Germs logo
The cover of their album GI
said to be designed by Don Bolles and Darby Crash: http://pictograms.blogspot.com/2007/07/logo-5-germs.html
Darby Crash
photo from the tumblr page Oh Bondage, Up Yours! http://punk1977.tumblr.com/post/3054447006/darby-crash
his (short) bio is here: http://www.allmusic.com/artist/p67192
Christmas Morning
by Trisha Romance
jpeg from http://selltheart.homestead.com/privsales_romance.html
Sell the Art's home page says “You may have liquid cash on your walls!”
Part 5
Yule Goat
The Gävle Goat, 2004
from WikiCommons
Mithras Tauroctony (relief)*
from WikiCommons
Mithras killing a sacred bull (tauroctony), side A of a two-faced Roman marble relief, ca. 2nd or 3rd century AD.
Author: Jastrow
*Note: I chose the Catholic Encyclopedia for an information link on Mithras as the most orthodox. There are numerous others and they range from the enthusiastically Christian debunkist to the cagily Christian permissive. The entry on Wikipedia is an excellent academic gateway: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithraic_mysteries
from the very interesting blog, Ghost Stories and Haunted Places
“Wodan's Wilde Jagd”
from WikikCommons: Wodan leads an immense host of people and animals through the night sky; his wild hunt. A female figure struggles on the ground below. Published in 1882
Source: Wägner, Wilhelm. 1882. Nordisch-germanische Götter und Helden. Otto Spamer, Leipzig & Berlin. Title page.
Artist: Friedrich Wilhelm Heine (1845-1921)
Part 6
Dianne's brass and glass end tables
from http://parishotelboutique.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html
Quoting the website: "A pair of French cast iron, brass and glass side tables
circa 1960, in the manner of Maison Jansen. Estimate - $3,000 - 5,000"
Hosanna Hills
Storm over Ladera Ranch, aka Covenant Hills
photo by Tim Ferris
from the Windsor Memorial Gardens
Windsor, Ontario
Apostles Rug
my own hideous design using, yes, C. Bale, B. Pitt, R. Crowe, J. Depp.
Part 7
Talent show
photo is of the Christian rock band Skillet, live
Part 8
Kali embroidery
by Annie Aube
from the artist's website: http://www.annieaube.com/Mainmyth.htm
Look around her website. She has other maniacal goddess embroideries to show.
photo by Lewis Hine
Doffer girl in New England Mill, 1909 Gelatin silver print
George Eastman House Collection
Cheese cave
Photo is of the outside of Vermont Shepherd farm's cheese cave.
from the Vermont Sheep and Goat fund website.
Part 9
from a Canadian Museum of Civilization exhibit on Martin Frobisher, 16th century English mariner seeking the Northwest Passage
Plans for the Ferguson Orrery,
From James Ferguson's book Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, 1759
image taken from Wikicommons
Part 10
Oak King vs. Holly King
I found this image here: http://witchesbrew.blogpeoria.com/2010/11/26/the-holly-king-the-oak-king-and-the-santa-parade/
But I don't think it's original to this blogger either. I added the background and overly dramatic bonfire coloring.
Reindeer camp
comes from a fan site of the samoyed dog breed: http://www.snowangelssamoyeds.com/The_Samoyed.html
by Julianna Swaney
Please visit her excellent website.
Part 11
Sumela Monastery, in Turkey
From this blog kept by graduate student of history, Ben Breen: http://resobscura.blogspot.com/
A treasure chest of arcane imagery and commentary.
WTO Protestor
is a fairly ubiquitous image, but I found it here: http://wethearmed.com/index.php?topic=9982.0
Squatter Site
Living, by eschlabach
from her Flickr photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/eschlabach/with/2368077124/
Part 12
Squatter Site 2
Alone I Stand, Alone I Fall, by eschlabach
from her Flicker photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/eschlabach/with/2368077124/
Jacob's Ladder
by William Blake
Part 13
St. Benedict of Nursia
Founder of Christian monasteries. He established the organizing principles and administration of Christian monasticism with his precepts, the Rule of Benedict.
Orthodox icon
Date and author unknown
Image found on Wikicommons
Prayer for Death in the Desert, painting by Elihu Vedder
from the Brooklyn Museum of Art
owned and photographed by Joel van Lennep
photo from Wayne Cripps' Lute Page: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/new/new_lute.html
Virgin Mary and Child
by Annibale Carracci
image found on Wikicommons
Winter Light
still from Ingmar Bergman's Winter Light (1963)
Mosaic of Fishermen
from the Basilica of Aquileia
3rd century (?)
image found on Wikicommons
Candlelight service at Taize Community
Taize is an ecumenical Christian monastery located in Burgundy, France. Taize, and its dedication to peace and reconciliation, was an inspiration for Mashipan. But Mashipan and its studied agnosticism should not be confused with Taize or otherwise trivialize that community.
Stavroniketa Monastery
photo by Theologos Tats
photo by Laura Maish-Bill Storage.
from the excellent website Ostia, Harbor City of Rome, a guide for archeologists, historians and lay people on the buildings around Ostia, including it Mithraeum:
The photo is of the Mitreo delle Terme del Mitra, the bath section of the Mithraeum: http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio1/17/17-2a.htm
The site's scholarly, very readable introduction on Mithraism, is here: http://eawc.evansville.edu/essays/mithraism.htm